Welcome to Supercharged Math!
We teach math in a practical and real-world way, inspiring students who have struggled or been bored with math before. Here's what we do:
- Full Math Lessons for Grades 4th-8th
- Lessons taught both live and recorded
- Students work synchronous or asynchronous
- Includes printable student workbooks
- Math work is based on practical applications
- Students work at own pace, on their schedule
- Optional small-group private tutoring sessions
Next Live Classes!
Grades 4-6th Grades 7-8th
This course is designed to develop the confidence in your child to go out and explore their world, and give them the tools they need to use math in every day real life. The purpose of the course is to provide students with clear, easy steps that demonstrate basic methods of mathematics and form a bridge between real life and the new math skills students will develop.
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Real-World Math Taught by Scientists
We connect math concepts and skills with the real world in several areas of math:
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percent
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra 1
- Geometry (4-6th Grade)
- Geometry (7-8th Grade)
- Probability
- Statistics
- Practical Applications
You'll find fun math lessons, workbooks, games, puzzles, activities, math labs, projects, and challenges in every session.
Each math session has a master outline that includes three separate levels so students can enjoy staying challenged and inspired!
- Beginners are new to the concept and start with the workbook
- Intermediates practice concepts with activities, puzzles, and games
- Advanced students work with practical application labs and projects
Newer students spend more time with understanding new skills while more advanced students practice using it in the real world through practical application. Work through this content at your own level and pace, and enjoy the learning process. You decide how often and how long to do math each week - we're here to help to succeed with your educational goals!

Aurora demonstrating how to build a real comet using fractions, ratios and chemistry!